Friday, February 2, 2007

Sunway Pyramid

Hi people,
Today was really a funny day.
Firstly we were all having a very stressful time in the math test.
But let me give you an advise... If you are seriously feeling very down go watch the Epic Movie. It might be able to cheer you up!

But if you have in the mood for a movie, don't choose Epic Movie... You will strangle the person who recommand the show!!! =)

Btw, today's bowling score.... Teddy 76, Josephine 30, Darren 118, Alvina 60+
If anyone interested to go for a bowling game tell me. I can try get free game but no free shoes... =)

Josephine! you will have a happy time telling people about that issue!! =)
I will leave the fun to you...


Josephine said...
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Josephine said...

Bwahahaha.. Wei so embarrassing k?? Lazy to tell again.. Read my blog..