Friday, April 27, 2007

A Special Post Dedicated to Our Future Pilot---SANJAY!!

Dear Sanjay,

So you'll be leaving us.

I was thinking we should have something about you in our class's blog. Well, I guess I will talk about the supposingly "Farewell Party" we had on Friday. I was very touched when our classmates worked together to plan for the surprise for you. Yoke Teng made you the wonderful card, Chern wrote you the super nice poem, Alvina made you the box and the name (which is much more nicer than mine!! haha) and others who contributed some awesome ideas, and don't mention the part when I had to message your dad!! Oh yea, and the lecturers who turned up for the party, it's really sweet and nice of them. But I was quite disappointed that you didn't cry!! I did. (How could you?! I lost my bet!! haha)

Anyway, we hope that you love all the small surprises you had. It's not really grand, but it's from US. We'll definately miss you and will always be praying for you. Do keep in touch and don't worry,I'll give Ms Annie a hard time when you are not around..haha..(hope she doesn't see this)

We wish you the very best in life. Work hard for it and DON'T FLIRT (not even with guys).

Take care.

Lots of love,

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Darren

This post has been removed by the author.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Happy Birthday Ker Jia

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to Ker Jia
Happy Birthday to you!


18 April 2007

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


UK universities are really masters of advertising and marketing. First, they make you drool over their universities through fabulous postcard quality photos and magnificent story-telling skills.

Example: University of Edinburgh. They've shown me this in their offer booklet.

"With its stunning Georgian and Victorian architecture, and winding medieval streets, it’s easy to see why Edinburgh has been listed as a World Heritage Site.
And the setting is captivating. Edinburgh Castle dominates the urban skyline, perched atop the crags of an ancient volcano right in the centre of the city. " ~

And this:

This is the place where you'll live if you study there...

Then they break the most crucial news to you, the thing that they really, I mean REALLY want from overseas students:

1st and 2nd year: 16100 pounds/ year
3rd, 4th and 5th year: 27300 pounds/ year
***You must deposit one third of the first year's fees if you want to accept the offer... yay T_T

Such a grand fee for a grand university in a grand city!

Wow, I'm so going there... If I want to go bankrupt...

I'll start growing trees with the ability to fruit money starting from today!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Giving Up

When it comes to something precious or meaningful, humans tend to fight for it with all their might.

But, sometimes, we reach a point where no matter what we do, it's just not good enough. We try our best, we put in all our effort. End result: we just get kicked in the ass, we get ignored, we are humiliated for our stupid attempts.

So, you know what? I give up. I give up trying, maybe I'm just not good enough. Correction: I am not good enough. I used up all my strength. I depleted all my hope. I have nothing left to say.

Up to you.

***PS: Totally fictional, just felt like posting, but no idea what to type. So tadaa, behold the crappy post by Lucasscott. Sorry guys! =)