Sunday, April 1, 2007

Giving Up

When it comes to something precious or meaningful, humans tend to fight for it with all their might.

But, sometimes, we reach a point where no matter what we do, it's just not good enough. We try our best, we put in all our effort. End result: we just get kicked in the ass, we get ignored, we are humiliated for our stupid attempts.

So, you know what? I give up. I give up trying, maybe I'm just not good enough. Correction: I am not good enough. I used up all my strength. I depleted all my hope. I have nothing left to say.

Up to you.

***PS: Totally fictional, just felt like posting, but no idea what to type. So tadaa, behold the crappy post by Lucasscott. Sorry guys! =)


流眼泪 said...

So emotional!
Sometimes it is left to luck and talent. How come some people study for 2 hours and anime the whole day still score so freaking good in the exams? Why some spend sleepless nights to study but still not score?
There is sure something! So don't so emmo!!

Anonymous said...

Everything will eventually fall to its place.At least that is what I believe in.You don't have to be the best to deserve the best in life.Life is not just about exams and glory.Life can be a lot of things.Depends how you take it.Life is a blessing.So cheers to you all!!

Teddy said...

I hope I'll see the blessing part of my life soon, I really doubt it exists.

Anonymous said...

It does,if you believe in it.
