Wednesday, June 20, 2007


*Scroll down for added post pls*

Heya all, sorry for the delay. I actually made an account at a photo hosting website for us last year, but somehow, I can no longer sign in. So, here's a new one with SOME pics already uploaded.

Everyone, all of you with pics out there... do upload the pics to the site (pls?). Uploading may take a while but be patient, all right? Same username and password--> *password removed*

If perhaps you think we should use a different photo hosting site with more perks, do leave a message. I don't mind switching it. At the mean time, please upload the pics, k? (hey, lots of you with cameras... right?) Any pics at all, be it from prom night, Sanjay's leaving-us-to-cruise-the-sky-celebration, random ones taken in college or just any time or place. UPLOAD!! I'm sure everyone else would like to have a glimpse of all you handsome, pretty, beautiful, gorgeous and definitely not to forget, cute (as some of you would kill me if I don't say this) people of PM4. Thank you so much all! Have fun!

Smile =)


p.s. Being young and innocent is one thing, but being obsessively obsessed with yourself is another. Anyone here feeling like Peter Pan (i.e. you don't want to grow up)?

::EDIT NO. 1::
Apparently, photobucket is too slow due to its millions of users. So, we are setting up a multiply account... more user-friendly and there's formatting for web viewing options. any objections? Uploading is in progress.

::EDIT NO. 2::
Multiply site is up and running. So, you know what to do. *wink*

Those uploading,

1. go to
2. sign in using the Username 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' and Password 'xxxxxxx'
3. click 'My Multiply' on the top left corner (those looking for username and password, i've removed it for safety purposes. Pls contact me if you need it.
4. scroll down a bit, there would be a number of icons on the right entitled 'Post New Content'. Click Photos.
5. Wait for Uploader to start. Underneath 'Upload Photos', choose Existing Album and choose album from the drop-down list. (If its a new album, then choose New Album instead)
6. Drag and drop the photos or copy and paste.
7. Press Upload and wait. Time bar would appear.
8. Upon finishing, another page loads. Fill in the Title and Description. Arrange the photos if you want to by dragging and dropping. Frame type that we're using is Shadow.
9. Save and publish.~

Those just visiting for the time being,

Again, do upload the pics you have ok? Oh yea, leave comments on the pics too if you wish. Taa~!



流眼泪 said...

how to take out the pictures?

Teddy said...

p.s. Being young and innocent is one thing, but being obsessively obsessed with yourself is another. Anyone here feeling like Peter Pan (i.e. you don't want to grow up)?

Hey being young is nice le...

Right Fuzzi? Hahahaha

Josh SC said...

sign in, edit the album and delete at will!!